A: It is the third most prevalent health problem in the United States, following heart disease and cancer, with 48.1 million people having some degree of hearing loss. From 2016 to 2021, the age 65-plus market will increase 3.3 percent nationally. This population is the largest segment (41.9 percent) of those with hearing loss.

Q: Is untreated hearing loss linked to other health conditions?

A: Untreated hearing loss is strongly linked to dementia, depression, social isolation and overall health. Patients fit with hearing aids in the early stages of hearing loss can slow down these comorbidities and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. As one of my clients told me, “After spending time with my new hearing aid, I realized I didn’t have a memory problem. It only seemed that way, for how could I remember something I never heard in the first place? I am also so much more outgoing with my neighbors because I can hear them loud and clear.”